
(Your Email or Phone number)

Satisfaction Guaranteed

To ensure you are happy with the offering price, you must see and accept it before payment is made. If you decide not to sell your gold and platinum, we will return it free of charge.

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Packet Request

Fill out the form below to request your Jared Gold Exchange packet. Upon submission, you should receive your Gold Packet via USPS within 5 to 7 business days.

Your Gold Packet will have everything you need to send in your gold to Jared Gold Exchange. Also included is the information needed to return to the site to track your package throughout the exchange process.

* Valid Email Address or Phone Number required.

Customer Information

I would like to receive additional offers
by email from Jared Gold Exchange.
Example: (555) 555-5555

Secure Identity Verification

In accordance with laws applicable to buying and selling precious metals, we are required to collect some personal information about you. Your personal information will not be sold or distributed except to our trusted verification partners so we can confirm your identity. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.

You're almost done!

If you have a preference, during which hours should we contact you about your packet request?
(This will not affect delivery times)

: & :
Example: 09:45 amExample: 06:30 pm